Patrick Sanders
Chief Executive Officer - Adult Hospital
Patrick Sanders, a native of Memphis Tennessee is a clinician by training with over 20 years in the Chicago market. He received a BA in psychology from Rhodes College in Memphis, and a MS in general psychology from Memphis State University (University of Memphis). After working as a case manager serving the chronic mentally ill he relocated to Chicago, Illinois and attended the Chicago School of Professional Psychology. After completing his academic requirements for an MA in clinical psychology, he was commissioned as a lieutenant in the United States Navy and completed a clinical psychology internship at Portsmouth Naval Medical Center in Portsmouth, VA and was then stationed at Great Lakes Naval Training Center (Great Lakes, Illinois). While at Great Lakes he served as a staff psychologist for the recruit training command for six years. After leaving the navy, Patrick was hired as the director of intake at Chicago Lakeshore Hospital and served in that capacity for eight years. Patrick has been the director of behavioral health for programs in Chicago, Missouri, and Pennsylvania. In 2017 he received a Masters in Healthcare Administration from the University of Illinois Chicago.
Patrick is a member of the National Association and Health Service Executives and the American College of Healthcare Executives. He has participated as a panelist at several Becker’s Healthcare Conferences and is an adjunct psychology professor at North Park University and College of Lake County.