Coming Soon: Adolescent Outpatient Treatment Programs in Chicago

Montrose Behavioral Health Hospital for Children & Teens is committed to providing superior intensive outpatient programming (IOP) and partial hospitalization programming (PHP) for adolescents in Chicago, Illinois, who are struggling with symptoms of mental health and co-occurring substance use concerns. Intensive outpatient programs and partial hospitalization programs are both forms of treatment programs designed to support adolescents in their healing and recovery journeys, but they differ in the level of care and the amount of time spent in treatment.  

Offering comprehensive care and evidence-based services, our team of behavioral health professionals strives to be a trusted community partner for the healing and continued recovery of everyone in our care. 

Intensive Outpatient Program for Adolescents in Chicago

Intensive outpatient programs are an excellent choice for people who are struggling with moderate mental health concerns or substance use problems but do not necessarily require round-the-clock care in a controlled environment. IOPs provide a more intensive level of support and therapy than regular outpatient sessions while still allowing participants to reside at home, attend school, maintain relationships with friends, and remain intact with the family unit. 

The adolescent IOP at Montrose Behavioral Health Hospital for Children & Teens is designed for young people ages 13-17 who are struggling with distressing symptoms of depression, bipolar disorder, schizophrenia, posttraumatic stress disorder, anxiety, suicidal ideation, and gender dysphoria as a primary diagnosis. We also offer treatment for obsessive-compulsive disorder, anxiety and panic disorders, phobias, eating disorders, and substance use as co-occurring diagnoses. 

 Our IOP also offers a structured schedule of treatment activities that include individual therapy, group therapy, and medication management services. Adolescents in our IOP attend three to four sessions per week for three hours each day. Our IOP runs over the course of four to six weeks, providing a concentrated yet focused treatment experience that allows our patients to have flexibility while receiving ongoing care. 

At Montrose, we involve a team of licensed behavioral health and medical professionals in our patients’ care, including psychiatrists, registered nurses, licensed clinical social workers, licensed clinical professional counselors, teachers, certified alcohol and drug counselors, and board-certified behavior analysists. This multidisciplinary team can ensure that the different aspects of each patient’s mental health are addressed comprehensively.  

Partial Hospitalization Program for Adolescents in Chicago

A partial hospitalization program might be an excellent choice for adolescents ages 13-17 who require more structure and comprehensive care than what an IOP offers. At Montrose Behavioral Health Hospital for Children & Teens, those who participate in our PHP attend four to five sessions per week for six hours each day. Adolescents can expect to participate in four to six weeks of partial hospitalization programming. 

A PHP is a structured and comprehensive treatment program in which adolescents receive group therapy, individual therapy, and medication management services during the day but return home or to a supervised residence in the evenings. PHPs are designed for young people who require more intensive support than an IOP can provide but do not need 24/7 inpatient care.  

Participants in our PHP are guided by a multidisciplinary team of behavioral health and medical staff members who are trained to provide clinically excellent care. Psychiatrists, registered nurses, licensed clinical social workers, therapists, teachers, and behavior analysts provide mental health and medical services at this level of care. 

Features of Our Chicago, Illinois, Adolescent Outpatient Programs

The treatment options provided in our outpatient programs are highly individualized and supported by a diverse clinical team. We believe that young people have the highest chance of success when they are given opportunities to set their own treatment goals and actively participate in care, which is why every child’s treatment plan is customized. Group therapy, individual therapy, and family therapy are all core features of our programming, but the frequency of each depends on the patient’s individual needs and treatment goals. 

In the adolescent outpatient programs at Montrose Behavioral Health Hospital for Children & Teens, group therapy is a crucial component of the treatment process. Adolescents can participate in group sessions with peers who may be facing similar challenges. Group therapy, led by licensed therapists and other mental health professionals, provides a supportive environment for young people to share their experiences and struggles, gain insights into the challenges they are facing, and learn healthy coping strategies. 

Adolescents participating in our outpatient programs may also receive individual therapy sessions with a trained professional. These one-on-one sessions allow for personalized treatment planning, exploring any history of trauma, and developing individualized strategies for continued healing. Individual therapy can give the patient a chance to explore their personal struggles in a safe, private, supportive environment. 

Additionally, our outpatient programs offer family therapy on a case-by-case basis so that parents or guardians can be involved in the treatment process. These sessions can help by improving family communication and providing ongoing support for the patient and their loved ones.  

The therapies offered in our outpatient programming aim to address various aspects of a young person’s well-being, including mental health, emotion regulation, coping skills, relapse prevention (if substance use is involved), and academic support. The therapies we use are guided by principles of cognitive behavioral therapy, dialectical behavior therapy, motivational interviewing, trauma-informed care, and solution-focused therapy. 

Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT): CBT is a goal-oriented and evidence-based therapy that focuses on the connection between thoughts, feelings, and behaviors. It aims to help people identify, and then challenge, negative or distorted thoughts and beliefs, replacing them with more positive and constructive ones. By actively engaging in CBT in our Chicago outpatient programming, adolescents can learn to recognize unhelpful thinking patterns and develop healthier coping strategies. 

Dialectical behavior therapy (DBT): DBT is a therapy that is designed to help people who struggle with emotional dysregulation or self-destructive behaviors. It combines elements of cognitive behavioral therapy techniques with mindfulness strategies. DBT can help young people who have mental health and substance use concerns improve self-awareness, manage intense emotions, and exercise emotional stability.  

Motivational interviewing (MI): MI is a person-centered therapy that aims to identify and strengthen an adolescent’s personal motivation to make positive changes in their life. It is especially effective for enhancing motivation and encouraging deeper involvement in therapy. MI encourages adolescents to articulate their aspirations and goals, develop realistic plans for the future, and explore strategies to overcome obstacles. 

Trauma-informed care: Elements of trauma-informed care in therapy help adolescents by creating a safe and supportive environment that recognizes and addresses the impact trauma may have had on their lives. It emphasizes the importance of understanding how trauma contributes to the development of certain mental health struggles and helps foster a sense of safety in the therapy process. 

Solution-focused therapy: This type of therapy can help adolescents focus on their strengths, resources, and solutions rather than dwelling on problems. This approach encourages adolescents to envision the future they want, set achievable goals, and develop strategies to reach those goals. 

We understand that everyone has a unique reason for pursuing treatment in an adolescent IOP or PHP. When a young person is struggling with the symptoms of a mental health disorder, it can affect every area of their life, from education and friendships to family relationships and social interactions. Every adolescent who enters one of our outpatient programs can have the opportunity to identify and process their emotions in productive ways as they work through the program.  

Admissions Process

At Montrose Behavioral Health Hospital for Children & Teens, we understand how difficult it can be to reach out for help when you’re struggling with the symptoms of a mental illness or battling an addiction. Our staff seeks to make the admissions process simple and informative for both adolescents and their families, which is why we offer 24/7, no-cost intake assessment scheduling for prospective patients. In addition to our easy assessment scheduling options, we also accept walk-ins at our main hospital campus in Chicago. 

The admissions process for our outpatient programs is designed to ensure that each patient receives the appropriate level of care and support, tailored to their unique needs and circumstances. Assessments are done on-site, and the patient is evaluated by our intake staff before a psychiatrist makes the final admission decision.  

If our clinical team believes that an adolescent outpatient program is appropriate for the young person, the patient and their parent or guardian is given documents to sign. This paperwork includes patient rights, consent forms, and an overview of what is included in our Chicago adolescent outpatient programming. A specific treatment plan and schedule are then provided to the patient on their first day in the outpatient program. 

The admissions process at Montrose Behavioral Health Hospital for Children & Teens is designed to ensure that each patient receives personalized and comprehensive care that addresses their specific situation. The clinical team that provides treatment in our Chicago outpatient programs offers a welcoming, safe therapeutic environment for adolescents during their treatment journeys, from the initial assessment to the completion of the program. By empowering our patients and supporting them with empathy and compassion, we strive to make a lasting positive impact on their mental health and well-being. 

Continued Support

At Montrose Behavioral Health Hospital for Children & Teens, we believe in providing a comprehensive and holistic approach to treatment that goes beyond addressing only symptoms and instead focuses on long-term wellness. Our mission is to create a hospitable, warm, and calming environment where each adolescent can embark on their treatment journey with confidence. 

We understand that the healing process requires a nurturing and supportive atmosphere, so we strive to cultivate that for our patients. Young people face complex and sometimes overwhelming challenges as they grow into adults, and we aim to be a beacon of hope for them in this season of their lives. Our dedicated team of professionals is passionate about helping adolescents navigate any mental health or substance use struggles and providing the necessary guidance and support to encourage their healing and growth. 

We firmly believe in empowering adolescents and fostering their active involvement in their own treatment journeys. We recognize that each person’s experience is unique, and we value their input and perspective. We actively encourage adolescents to participate in clinical decisions, collaborate with their treatment teams, and take ownership of their healing processes. By involving them in the decision-making process, we aim to enhance their sense of agency and self-efficacy, ultimately leading to positive transformations in their lives. 

At Montrose Behavioral Health Hospital for Children & Teens, we are dedicated to helping adolescents not just overcome challenges they’re facing, but also thrive and live their best lives.  

This content was written on behalf of and reviewed by the clinical staff at Montrose Behavioral Health Hospital for Children & Teens.