Chicago’s Preferred Hospital for ADHD Treatment

Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder, more commonly known as ADHD, is a mental health disorder that can impact a person’s ability to focus, control their impulses, and manage their behaviors. Without treatment, it can disrupt many aspects their life.

The team at Montrose Behavioral Health Hospital, located in Chicago, Illinois, recognizes the negative consequences a person can experience when they have ADHD. For that reason, we have customized our programming to meet the unique needs of patients who are suffering from the symptoms of this disorder. 

Signs & Symptoms of ADHD

Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder can present itself in a variety of ways. The symptoms can differ depending on whether the person is struggling with inattention or hyperactivity and impulsivity.  

Examples of the signs and symptoms associated with the inattentive type of ADHD include: 

  • Struggles to pay attention or focus 
  • Makes careless mistakes 
  • Has difficulty following through on instructions 
  • Fails to complete work- or school-related tasks 
  • Is often forgetful 
  • Becomes frustrated easily 
  • Appears to not listen when being spoken to 
  • Has difficulty organizing tasks 
  • Frequently loses things
  • Gets easily distracted 

Examples of the signs and symptoms that can occur with the hyperactive-impulsive type of ADHD include: 

  • Constantly fidgets 
  • Interrupts others 
  • Struggles to sit still 
  • Has difficulty participating in leisure activities 
  • Is often restless
  • Has difficulty controlling behavior
  • Acts on impulse
  • Talks excessively
  • Has difficulty waiting their turn 

It is also possible for people to struggle with both inattention and hyperactivity/impulsivity, which means that they are likely to have a combination of both types of symptoms. 

ADHD Statistics

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) reports that approximately 6.1 million children and adolescents in the United States have ADHD. More specifically, they provide this age-related data: 

  • Children ages 12-17: 3.3 million 
  • Children ages 6-11: 2.4 million 
  • Children ages 2-5: 388,000 

Data from the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fifth Edition (DSM-5) estimates that 2.5% of adults struggle with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder. 

Effects of ADHD

If someone has ADHD and does not receive treatment, they may face any number of negative effects, including: 

  • Poor performance at school, which can result in suspension or expulsion 
  • Poor performance at work, which can result in termination and difficulty finding another job 
  • Low self-esteem 
  • Financial problems 
  • Inability to maintain healthy relationships 
  • Development of an addiction due to using drugs or alcohol as a way of coping with their symptoms 

Fortunately, by receiving care at an ADHD treatment center, people can learn to manage their symptoms, develop healthy coping skills, and lead productive lives. 

Co-Occurring Disorders

It is not uncommon for people who are struggling with ADHD to experience symptoms of other mental health concerns at the same time. Examples of possible co-occurring disorders include: 

  • Anxiety disorders 
  • Depression 
  • Autism spectrum disorder 
  • Oppositional defiant disorder (ODD) 
  • Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) 
  • Intermittent explosive disorder (IED) 
  • Tic disorders 
  • Antisocial and other personality disorders 

Additionally, children and adolescents who have disruptive mood dysregulation disorder may experience symptoms of ADHD as well. 

At our ADHD treatment center, patients will be given assessments to help determine if they are suffering from any co-occurring disorders. If they are, our teams will address those concerns as part of the patient’s overall ADHD treatment plan. 

Treatment for ADHD

At our ADHD treatment center in Chicago, Illinois, we use evidence-based therapies and provide comprehensive services to ensure that our patients get the well-rounded care they need. Our multidisciplinary team of psychiatrists, licensed professional counselors, social workers, nurses, and other mental health workers provides patients with individualized treatment plans so that all their needs can be addressed. These treatment plans may include the following: 

  • Medical care: For patients who need basic medical care, we have doctors and nurses on staff who can attend to them. This can include wound care and nebulizer treatments. 
  • Medication management services: Some people can greatly benefit from taking medication to help ease ADHD symptoms. When this is the case, psychiatrists, nurses, and pharmacists are available to distribute medications and monitor their effects. 
  • Group therapy: Patients at our ADHD treatment center have the opportunity to participate in group therapy sessions. Led by social workers, licensed clinical counselors, and nurses, these groups meet two times each day and give patients the chance to meet with other people who may be going through similar challenges. This is also a time when they can learn cognitive behavioral techniques to help them manage and cope with their symptoms. 
  • Individual therapy: Some patients may meet one-on-one with a social worker for individual therapy sessions. During this time, patients can discuss their concerns, process their experiences, and track their treatment progress. 
  • Family therapy: Family therapy at our ADHD treatment center is offered on a case-by-case basis, depending on whether it will be beneficial for the patient. During these sessions, family members can learn more about ADHD and how to best support their loved one. 

How to Choose an ADHD Treatment Center

Receiving individualized, comprehensive care is essential for a person to successfully begin healing from the symptoms of ADHD. When choosing a treatment center, it is important that you get all the information you need in the beginning so that you can be sure that you’re making the right decision for yourself or a loved one.  

Keeping that in mind, the following are some examples of questions that can be beneficial to ask before deciding on an ADHD treatment center: 

  • Are assessments given prior to treatment to ensure that all needs are identified? 
  • Does the staff provide personalized treatment plans that are guided by the patient’s unique needs and circumstances? 
  • What levels of care does the treatment center offer? 
  • What types of interventions are used while patients are in treatment? 
  • What professionals provide care at the treatment center? 
  • What does the admissions process look like? 
  • What happens once a patient’s time in treatment has come to an end? 

Our team is available 24/7 to answer these and any additional questions you may have about our programs and services.

This content was written on behalf of and reviewed by the clinical staff at Montrose Behavioral Health Hospital.