Adult Inpatient Treatment Center in Chicago

Montrose Behavioral Health Hospital, located in Chicago, Illinois, is a leading choice for inpatient behavioral health programming for adults age 18 and older. Our acute inpatient treatment program provides round-the-clock supervision for individuals who need immediate support for mental health concerns.  

Our Adult Inpatient Program in Chicago, Illinois

Inpatient treatment is short-term in nature and is an ideal option for patients who need immediate help for acute symptoms or are in a state of crisis. A person’s stay in our adult inpatient mental health program typically lasts five to seven days. We also offer a detoxification program for people who need to withdraw from substances prior to engaging in traditional treatment. The exact length of time a patient spends at our hospital can vary depending on their needs. 

While in our inpatient program, patients have the opportunity to receive a number of different services. Depending on their individualized treatment plan, patients may engage in group therapy, individual therapy, and family therapy. Therapeutic services are delivered by a multidisciplinary team of professionals, which may include licensed clinical professional counselors, licensed clinical social workers, psychiatrists, recreational therapists, art therapists, and dietitians. When needed, patients can also receive medication management services and medical care, which are provided by registered nurses, medical doctors, and advanced practice nurses.

Everyone on the team at Montrose Behavioral Health Hospital has an unwavering dedication to meeting the needs of patients in a way that helps them feel encouraged and supported as they work through the treatment process. 

Who Can Participate in Our Adult Inpatient Program?

People who are struggling with mental health or addiction concerns can receive clinically excellent care in Montrose Behavioral Health Hospital’s adult inpatient program. Our programming is designed to address symptoms of a number of behavioral health disorders, including:  

  • Depression  
  • Bipolar disorder  
  • Posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD)  
  • Borderline personality disorder  
  • Intermittent explosive disorder (IED)  
  • Schizophrenia  
  • Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD)  
  • Gender dysphoria  

We can also provide acute care for patients who are in a state of psychosis, and we offer support for individuals who are struggling with suicidal ideation and self-harming behaviors. Additionally, our team can help patients who are suffering from co-occurring concerns, including the following: 

  • Anxiety disorders  
  • Eating disorders  
  • Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD)  
  • Intermittent explosive disorder 
  • Phobias  
  • Panic disorder  
  • Autism spectrum disorder

Patients who are battling co-occurring addictions to substances like alcohol, benzodiazepines, marijuana, opioids, and stimulants can receive specialized support while taking part in our detoxification program.  

Features of Our Adult Inpatient Program

At Montrose Behavioral Health Hospital, we strive to provide each patient with treatment that meets their individual needs. Each patient’s personalized treatment plan outlines which therapeutic services they may receive during their time with us. Features of our adult inpatient program may include:  

  • Detox: If an adult has a co-occurring addiction, they may begin their time with us by participating in our detoxification program. During detox, patients can receive medical care and supervision from a team of medical experts, which may include nurses, doctors, and other clinical staff. Detox typically lasts five to seven days, but each patient’s length of stay depends on their individual response to treatment. Patients can participate in regular therapeutic programming while detoxing. 
  • Basic medical care: Our medical team includes doctors, nurses, and advanced practice nurses who are equipped to provide basic medical care for patients who need it. These medical services may include administering nebulizer treatments and performing basic wound care. 
  • Medication management services: Adults who take medication as part of their treatment plan can meet with a psychiatrist as needed. Pharmacists and nurses are responsible for administering medication for patients. 
  • Individual therapy: Patients have the opportunity to engage in individual therapy sessions with a licensed counselor or social worker as needed during their time in our adult inpatient program. These one-on-one sessions offer a safe space for patients to address mental health concerns while benefiting from the expertise of qualified professionals. 
  • Group therapy: Patients in our adult inpatient program can participate in multiple group therapy sessions every day. Social workers and licensed counselors lead these sessions, guiding patients in discussions on topics relevant to mental health and substance use concerns. Topics addressed in these groups may include mental health education, how to establish healthy boundaries, emotion regulation skills, stress management, and relapse prevention strategies. 
  • Family therapy: If deemed clinically appropriate, patients and their loved ones have the option to participate in family therapy sessions at Montrose Behavioral Health Hospital. These sessions provide family members with a platform to discuss how they can best serve their loved ones during and after treatment.  
  • Activity therapies: Patients may take part in music, art, and recreation therapies during their stay with us. Staff members who have specialized training lead these therapies. 

Throughout your stay in our adult inpatient program, you can expect to engage in various therapy methods, including cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT), dialectical behavior therapy (DBT), and motivational interviewing (MI). Patients who have co-occurring substance use concerns can also take part in therapies that are guided by principles of 12-Step programming. These therapies are designed to help adults reshape negative thought patterns, practice mindfulness, set goals for the future, and adopt positive behavioral changes. 

Benefits of Inpatient Treatment

Receiving acute inpatient mental health treatment can offer significant benefits for adults who are struggling with mental health and co-occurring substance use concerns. Inpatient treatment provides adults with a safe and secure setting where they can stabilize and begin to heal.  

Benefits of receiving inpatient treatment may also include:  

  • 24/7 supervision: In an inpatient treatment program, individuals can receive immediate care and round-the-clock supervision. This can be particularly crucial for individuals who are at risk for self-harm, harm to others, and suicidal ideation. 
  • Access to qualified professionals: At Montrose Behavioral Health Hospital, patients have access to a multidisciplinary team of professionals who can provide guidance and encouragement. 
  • Structured routines: In our adult inpatient treatment program, we provide patients with a structured daily routine of therapy sessions and group activities. This structure can help people regain stability and form healthy habits. 
  • Expert assessment and diagnosis: The behavioral health professionals at our hospital conduct an assessment of each patient to determine their treatment needs. These professionals reassess patients throughout their time in treatment and monitor their progress. 
  • Peer support: At Montrose Behavioral Health Hospital, patients have the opportunity to interact frequently with their peers, who may be experiencing similar challenges. This can build camaraderie and reduce feelings of isolation. 
  • Reduction of environmental stressors: In an acute inpatient treatment program, patients are removed from the stressors of their daily lives. This can allow them to focus on healing without distractions. 

At Montrose Behavioral Health Hospital, we understand that the time a patient spends with us is only one aspect of their healing journey. We believe that preparing for life after inpatient treatment is just as important as initial stabilization and treatment. Before a patient leaves our facility, we work closely with them and their loved ones to develop a discharge plan. This discharge plan may include referrals for outpatient providers, information about appropriate outpatient programs, or connections with traditional group therapy. We want to make sure that each patient has the tools they need for their continued healing. 

Admissions Process

Our admissions department is open 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Patients can call us directly to schedule an intake appointment, or they can walk in at whatever time is convenient for them. We also partner with a number of professionals, including outpatient providers and other inpatient hospitals, who can provide referrals. 

After you have received an intake assessment, our admissions team will contact the on-call psychiatrist to get an order for admission. We will then guide you through a comprehensive evaluation and have you participate in a safety assessment to make sure that our program can offer the specific care you need.  

We understand that the registration process can seem overwhelming, so our team makes every effort to keep it as simple and straightforward as possible. We will work with your insurance company to determine your coverage, or we will work with you to sort out alternative arrangements.

Montrose Behavioral Health Hospital is conveniently located in downtown Chicago, Illinois. We strive to provide our patients with a positive treatment experience and encouragement as they make strides toward healing.  

If you have any questions about our adult inpatient program, please don’t hesitate to contact us.

This content was written on behalf of and reviewed by the clinical staff at Montrose Behavioral Health Hospital.